I apologize for not having been proactive insupplying this info before. I do like to think that I'm here to be part of the solution and not part of the problem, but just bitching up a storm about something doesn't make that happen. And so, thanks to Paula, I'm posting said contact info here.
She also suggested that I write a sample letter to make it easier for folks to send one in. Though I appreciate the practicality of that suggestion, I'm not going to do so, for three reasons:
- I don't believe that a bunch of copies of a pre-written letter will be as effective as people's own letters, written in their own words. This effort should appear as sincere and genuine as it is.
- Y'all know how to get mad -- I've seen you in action! If you really feel you can't write your own letter, take another look at the original post on this blog and take some direction from the many points it makes. There are plenty to choose from.
- I don't WANT to make it easy. Democracy isn't, and shouldn't be, easy. It's HARD to live in a free society, and it's not FREE. You have to exert yourself a little sometimes, and I'm all for that happening. I don't want you to take this lightly: it's not light subject. As we've seen with the erosion of so many of our civil rights under this current administration, people take things for granted far too easily, and don't value or respect as much those things for which they haven't personally had to struggle. So, stop reading this thing, open a new document, tap out a few well-considered paragraphs, and lick a stamp! Or tap ut an email or pick up the phone -- you can DO this!
Ron Martin, Assistant County Maintenance Manager
PennDOT Bucks County
Engineering District 6
229 N. Broad Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
215-345-6060 x111
Larry Glick
Director of Public Outreach
Office of US Representative Patrick Murphy
60 North Main Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Phone: (215) 348-1194
email: lglick1094@comcast.net
Or, write to Rep. Murphy directly at http://www.house.gov/writerep/
PA Senator Rob Wonderling
email: rwonderling@pasen.gov
Harrisburg Office
172 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3024
Phone (717) 787-3110
FAX (717) 787-8004
Bucks County Office
Government Service Center
515 South West End Boulevard, Room 5
Quakertown, PA 18951
Phone (215) 529-1215
FAX (215) 529-1218
Fax: (215) 348-1449
PA Senator Chuck McIlhinney, Jr.
email: cmcilhinney@pasen.gov
Harrisburg Office
Senate Box 203010
Harrisburg, PA 17120-3010
Doylestown Office
22 South Main Street
Suite 220
Doylestown, PA 18901
Phone: 215-489-5000
Toll Free: 800-728-8600
FAX: 215-489-5200
PA Rep. Marguerite Quinn
email: mquinn@pahousegop.com
Harrisburg Office
Room 164A East Wing
PO Box 202143
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2143
(717) 772-1413
Fax: (717) 783-3793
Doylestown Office
1032 North Easton Road
Doylestown, PA 18901-1055
(215) 489-2126
Fax: (215) 489-2129
And of course, you should request that our entire board of supervisors write a group letter to all of these PUBLIC SERVANTS, demanding that our community's health, safety and economy stop being put at risk because someone in Harrisburg can't manage to prioritize our area's main thoroughfares. Reach them at:
Township Supervisors Jim Litzenberger, Ken Gross, Henry Gawronski, Bruce Keyser and Nancy Janyszeski, Nockamixon Township Building, PO Box 100, Ferndale, PA 18921.
Have at it!